Nemu: Kegalauan Pra-Kuliah
If youre feeling like quitting, remember why
did u start
mungkin that very sentence lah yang banyak
bikin people keep strong with their struggles, any of those. but for me, bukan
that exact sentence yang lebih bikin bertahan.
i did start with a certain aim, but for me it
wasnt that special, my aim, it was just becoming a doctor so that i can work on
my own without having to work as an employee. tapi ternyata there's something
yang lebih menyentuh dan menginspirasi untuk tetep bertahan inside this medical
briefly, i told you a story right after my
graduation, sudah stress mau masuk apa, so that i applied for this prep class
for national univ exam. untuk daftar nya, karena pilihanku hanya dokter, so i
was sooo stress abt that, nggak ngerti mau kemana and my confidence about
entering medical school was like minus.
so i also applied to stan, my dad's college,
yang dibiayai pemerintah, yang artinya if i did study there, absolutely i would
become a civil employee. yang as daddy told me, nggak enak jadi pegawai, so i
just applied because afraid that i wont be accepted everywhere.
and those hard work days berlalu, siang malem
belajaaarr mulu, mengesampingkan my oppadeul in new dramas. my second time, but
my first time really far from umi bapak waktu karantina les sbm, udah stress
sbm tambah homesick. so it was indeed a struggle.
after the D Day of sbm, sudah pupus harapan
karena i was soooooo stupid and feel like i did it sooo bad