My Efflorescence Society
One particular statement that I told so many times is,
"I've completely changed my image, so does my society after high school"
Alhamdulillah, it's such a very delightful and full of syukur feelings that currently i live in a very nice area, at least my closest society. After left my hometown, all my school life behind, I then live as a person that completely different with myself back then. Not because of me, I fully knew that it was all because of Allah's blessings.
He gives me a very nice society where you will be ashamed when you dont pray in time, or many times in a retrospective mode when you see your friends diligently read her mini Quran in the spare time between classes where back then during school, it is near impossible to find someone reading Quran to kill times! Really!
You may think i live in an Islamic academy or something, but not really, my university is a state university when heterogenous students study together. Of course, not all my friends are like in the previous paragraph, there are some also dedicated their life just to study, or student organization, or just like my old self, living my life as happy as possible (ps. happy here has not-so-good connotation)
It's true that so many problems with religion these days, some called radicalist etc. I was soo sad and madly upset when a few days ago reading tweets that make a negative labeled of Liqo'. Okay, maybe they are right, not completely mistaken, but I'm also not sure that they have experienced the real Liqo that actually, far far away from those activities that they called radicals.
Dont you know the sweetest thing is when the end of a Liqo period, the mentor gave us each a personal letter and it was beyond beautiful. It has the prove that this very connection and affection is not just a mutual give-and-take or whatsoever, but it is based on ukhuwah and the sense of Al-Asr (3) Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience
It was absolutely far different with those kinds of friendship I've ever experienced. Moreover, if you compare it with your so-called-friendship. I have tasted both, that kind of "friendship" and Liqo, I have been in my deepest pit of life in these almost-20-years I lived, I was soo broken and now Allah saved me by making me a part of this blessed society.
Speaking of these all good nice kinds of stuff, it doesn't mean that now I have become a very devout-far from sinner or what, there were sooo many times, even in my current life, I was swayed and just not want to do those handful good life. I'm still a lazy head, but again, because of the good force of my society, they dont let me be in a wasting state at least for a long period. So it became my kind of Imaan-Guard
I am also not living in a very serious and strict boring life! Really! If you know how the sisters are so cutely kind, how they are willing to travel those distances under the sun's tropical heat just to help you or even just to meet and have a halaqah together, how they are sending you a random humor stuff between chats just to brighten you up after failing an exam or something, and so many more, you will know it is really worth leaving the happy hedonistic life
Also, the society is not all good or what, there were times that we went to cinemas, or just hanging out together. But for me, it is still worth balancing your life rather than being the old me who only care about how do I live my life happily without considering what should I do for my afterlife.
May Allah always give us favors to keep Istiqamah and a good ending of life.